Ni entry dah lama nak letak sini but i terlupa lah pulak...pasal sekolah i ler...start from standard 1 till form 5 bersekolah yang sama...Convent JB..sebelah2 ajer sekolah ni hehehhe tak taulah apsal my parents anto ke sekolah ni...coz jauh gak jarak from my house about ada lagu sekolah yang masih dalam ingatan...kat sekolah i ni ada church between d primary n secondary school tu n during my time our Guru Besar ialah Sister.....banyak sangat kenangan with my school friends yang tak mungkin dilupakan...for my friends yang still keep in touch with me Miss RK, Riza, Jurina, Mama, Hema, Shikin, Linda and names that i tak mentioned kat sini....hopefully our friendship still remains website sekolah
School Song
Here's a rousing cheer
For our Convent dear
On fair Johor Bahru
May we be faithful to every rule
To each tradition true
Though weal or woe we forward go
United great and small
In virtue simple and duty strong
In the motto for us all
Though far we roam
From our ancient home
Our thoughts will often stray
Back to these happy convent days
Where our hearts are warm and gay
We love each dear familiar room
And gaze with rightful pride
At our lofty building on the hill
Where Malaysian sunshine smiles
At our lofty building on the hill
Where Malaysian sunshine smiles
May the good Lord bless
Our Sultan kind
Who in peace preserves our town
He thrones Our Lady image there
Where she sweetly gazes down
God keep us loyal to our friends
Our teachers and our rules
May we bless the day
When we found our way
To our own dear Convent School
my bestest fren same skool as urs......
izz yeke???mesti junior lieen ler tukan kekekekk...
erkkkkkk bukanlah..rasanya dia senior lieen....
chin.. kesian patung tu kan? kene ,masuk kotak. tapi bapak aku kata, minggu lepas dia org turun kan patung tu /keluarkan patung tu dari kotak.....
PS: aku balik jb bawa kozen aku kat us tu jalan2..dia pun sekolah convent jugak! mak akuajar kekekekeke
pheww fanjang eh lagunya leen,mau haus tekak nak abis lagu tu:)
izz-tak kiralah junior ker senior kan hehehh
raja-haaa dlm kotak ker aku tak perasan ler...ingat dulu2 siap landing kat patung tu heheh yg kat kaki dia ada ular segalakan ahhhhh bestnya time tu....
nek-fintalllll lidah nyanyi lagu ni kekekekkeke
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