Designers bracelet
Sedang aku mengoggle utk mencari cari dan terus mencari terpandang lakkk bnyk designers bracelet ini. Takdelah kata berkenan tapi cantik lah jugak dgn trend yang sekarang ini...hmmm rasa kalo pakai bracalet ginikan tentu kena pakai baju takde lengan coz nak tunjuk gitu hahahhahaha...owhhh sgtlah teruja tapi memang tak mampu occay ahkak nak memilikinya verangan jer lebih boleh.
Korang boleh carik kat website banyak jer aksesori yang cantik mantik utk ditatapi. Kalo nak beli dari sini pun okay gakkk...hehehhehhe selamat menjamu mata!!! hoyehhhhhhhh...
Posted by hmylieen at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Wasa, anyone???
What is wasa??
It's no secret that Americans are trying to lead healthier lifestyles by incorporating health foods into their diets. The majority of individuals living in the U.S. (53%) say living a healthy lifestyle and eating health foods are priorities for them today and nearly half report they are living a healthier lifestyle than five years ago. But with so many confusing nutrition messages in a time-starved environment, many of us find it difficult to buy health food, prepare nutritious meals and make it to the gym every day.
Wasa Crispbreads are the healthy alternative to bread. They have the delicious, crisp texture of a cracker, are made with whole grains and low in fat and they'll leave you feeling satisfied. Wasa Crispbreads form the foundation of a nutritious diet and, when eaten with other nutrient-rich health foods, can help you work toward achieving a healthy diet that is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Available in a variety of flavors, Wasa Crispbreads are versatile, healthy and delicious and can be eaten instead of bread at breakfast, lunch and dinner, or as a light snack. Or use Wasa to replace crackers with soups, salads, or your favorite toppings. When you combine the crunch of Wasa Crispbread with savory spreads, meat, cheese, or fruits and vegetables, the delicious and healthy recipe options are endless.
* sumber from goggle
Aku dah pun membeli wasa ni, arghhhh rasa dia memang mcm asbestos..adakah aku penah makan asbestos?kekekekkeke tapi tula makanan utk orang2 yg suke nak mendietkan diri hahahhaha...sedap jugak kalo cicah sardin tau tapi aku lum wat lagik ingat nak try gaklah..salu aku mkn gitu jer...phewww. Marilah kawan2 try wasa ni, rega pun leh tahan tauuuu!!!
Posted by hmylieen at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Cendol & karipap giant!!
Dah abis santap tu kami pun membeli belah di Mydin utk barang2 rumah dan saje2 jer merayap ptg tu coz bosan gak duk umah...senang hati dpt makan karipap ittew!!
Posted by hmylieen at 3:00 PM 2 comments
Jem Gilos!!!
Sempena cuti CNY yang lepas aku tidak melepaskan peluang pulang berhari raya jugak uolsss....seminggu gitu coti sangattt meriahkan!! besttttt amik cuti tahunan sehari jer tapiiiiiii dpt cuti free 5 hari...sangat gumbira yer, setelah dicampur dengan cuti hari wilayah sekali. So kalo dah cuti panjang tu korang paham2 jelah kan tentunya lebuhraya tidak menjadi highway lagi tapi jemwayyy yer...grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Aku balik semula KL dari kampung adalah ari ahad, memang aku tahu akan jem punyalah time tu fulaknya dari JB kul 12.30 tgh...ingatkan mcm biasa kalo jem pun dari Seremban jelah, tapiiiii arghhh tensen tauuu dari Tangkak memang dah siap jem...haaaaa hambik ko!!! Nasib bawak keta auto kalo tak memang aku menyumpah gaklah, lagi satu time aku nak isi petrol pun full sehhh stesen adehhh...langsungnya smpi ke PTJ lah keta aku tak berisi minyak nasib baik tak kering gituss!!
6 jam uolss aku dari JB ke PTJ owhhh tidak pernah berlaku yer...so memang letih sangat, ramailah kengkawan pun yang dalam keadaan serupa dgn aku ni. Lain kali aku nak balik pagilah dari JB...huhuhuhuhuh
Jem oh jemmm!!!
Posted by hmylieen at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Healthy Foods
Forget celery sticks and dry toast. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to eat. Luckily, these eight delicious edibles are designed to burn fat, flatten your belly, and take a big bite out of your appetite. 1. Yogurt: This creamy treat is loaded with calcium, and studies show that calcium may fight weight gain by hindering the absorption of fat in your small intestine. Yuck, but yippee! 2. Eggs: Skip the pancakes and start your day with boiled or poached eggs instead. Turns out huevos trump carbs when it comes to helping you feel fuller longer -- and that means fewer snack attacks later in the day. 3. Nuts: Yes, we know, nuts are high in fat. But it's the good kind of fat that your body loves, so pipe down and listen up. Nuts are also full of hunger-curbing protein and fiber, making them the perfect snack or appetizer. Just keep it to a handful, not a bagful. 4. Whole grains: Swap refined grains for whole grains, like brown rice, quinoa, steel-cut oats, whole-grain cereal, and 100% whole-wheat bread and pasta. Research shows this one simple move can help whittle your middle. 5. Avocados: The unsaturated fat in avocados appears to ratchet up levels of leptin, your body's hunger-halting hormone that tells your brain when you're full. 6. Mushrooms: We love this tasty calorie-cutting trick: Use mushrooms instead of meat in your favorite recipes. You'll automatically cut about 400 calories and sidestep red meat's belly-padding, artery-clogging saturated fat. 7. Olive oil: You'll be pleased to know that olive oil contains a secret weapon called oleic acid -- a healthy fat that makes you feel full and helps you put the skids on overeating. 8. Hot red peppers: They're the ultimate evidence that healthy eating doesn't have to be bland. Cayenne, jalapeno, serrano, and other red chili peppers all contain capsaicin, a fiery compound that'll spice up your meals but cool down your appetite.
Posted by hmylieen at 11:04 AM 0 comments